Change Your Thoughts On The People Who Hurt You

Forgiving the people who hurt you is also a very important aspect to help build self-esteem.

People can be so cruel and evil sometimes. This world would be a much easier place to live in if it wasn't for other people. They are usually if not always, the source of our sufferings and of our low self-esteem. So how should we think about others and how can we learn to tolerate them.

First we must realize that nobody is perfect, that we live in a world full of sinners. And that includes you. The Bible says that if your able to control your tongue or the words that come out of your mouth you're perfect.

Obviously nobody's perfect since we are continually hurting and belittling each other with our words. That old saying, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me is not true. The truth is words hurt, and sometimes more than actions. If the person you love tells you I don't love you, this can hurt 100 times more than a slap on the face.

People are sinners. They will never be perfect, at least not in this world or this lifetime. Which is why Jesus had to died for us, there really is no way humanity can save itself. We are prone and driven to do bad even though there is some good in us. For example all the knowledge and wisdom in the world and we are using it to build mass weapons of destruction and we are little by little destroying the world.

But oddly enough God still loves us, we see that love in Jesus Christ. Why? One because he created us and two because he sees us as children. If you have a good heart and you see a child doing something wrong, your desire would be to help that child since your intellect is much higher than his. The Bible says that men's highest thoughts will not reach God's lowest thoughts.

So God made himself man, through the person of Jesus Christ, and in this cruel world He also suffered. People mocked him and treated Him badly. What was His response? Forgive them Father, for they don't know what they are doing.

Like if a child insulted a neighbor and the parents came out saying, please forgive him, he's just a child he doesn't know what He's doing. That was Jesus' response to the evil of the world.

We must also see people through God's eyes, when they hurt us, we must find it in our hearts to forgive them. We must remember that their actions were the result of something that happened to them in their past.

Obviously evil doings have their consequences, but it's not up to us to judge people, let God deal with them. We must love, be merciful and forgive, that's our part.

Love God, Love Yourself, Love Others.

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