
We Need Each Other To Grow - Self-Esteem Help

We Need Each Other To Grow - Self-Esteem Help


How Believing in God Can Help You Believe in Yourself - Self-Esteem Help

How Believing in God Can Help You Believe in Yourself - Self-Esteem Help

Your Thoughts Build a Rail Way to Good Self-Esteem - Self-Esteem Help

Your Thoughts Build a Rail Way to Good Self-Esteem - Self-Esteem Help


How Believing in God Can Help You Believe in Yourself

Having self-esteem means having faith or believing in yourself. 

The Bible teaches us that faith is the assurance of things we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see. In other words if you can see it, then faith is no longer required.

The Apostle Thomas didn't believe that Jesus had resurrected until He saw Him, and Jesus responded by saying, you believe because you see, blessed are those that believe without seeing.

After Jesus ascended to Heaven, He sent down His Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us the truth. The Holy Spirit can not be seen with the natural eye, that's where we require faith to make the connection with Him through our spirits and prayer. 

In the same way that we need faith to have a relationship with God (since the Bible says that without faith we can not please God). We also need faith in ourselves, which basically means believe in yourself even though you don't see any reason to do it. Believe in the person you can become.

Jesus said, we are the light of the world. That is not a small statement. If you're walking down a dark alley, everything seems dead, but once it has light, it brings life to the environment and lets everything be seen more clearly. The same with the sky at night, if you look up and there are no stars out, a dark sky looks boring, but once the sky is filled with the light of the stars, it turns into a beautiful scenery. That's how God sees us, when He looks down into the world, He sees millions of stars shining in the middle of a dark and perverse world, giving Him a beautiful scenery to admire.

A great benefit of seeking a relationship with the Holy Spirit is that your self-esteem, your joy and your peace will come from within and not from outside circumstances or by what others say or think about you.

Believe in what God says about you even though you don't see it. Have faith in God, seek a relationship with the Holy Spirit and have faith in yourself. God created you, He gave you a life so that you can enjoy it to the fullest. In Him, this is possible.

Love God, Love Others and Love Yourself.

How to Build Self-Esteem From the Inside Out

The Holy Spirit is the only one who can reveal to us who we are called to be. 

In the process of nurturing your spirit in order to build up your self-esteem. You must develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit through your spirit. 

Jesus said, that if anyone wants to worship God they must do it in spirit and in truth. We have to learn to get in touch with the spirit inside of us. We do this through reading the Bible, through prayer and through meditation.

The spirit is where life comes from, it is what separates us from an inanimate object. The Bible tells us how God created a human from dirt and breathed in him His Spirit. This is why we are alive, why we can think. why we can move, why we can make decisions and why we have a will. This all comes from the spirit.

The Bible tells us how the Holy Spirit gives witness to our spirit that we are children of God, it tells us how the Holy Spirit can guide us, comfort us in times of distress and help us in time of need. He also changes us little by little in what God intended us to be, into the image of Jesus Christ. 

The way to start a relationship with the Holy Spirit is also very simple, first you must believe in Jesus Christ. 

Before ascending to Heaven, Jesus said, I must ascend to Heaven in order to send to you the Holy Spirit. So one of the reasons why Jesus came and died for us was also to help establish a relationship with God through the communion with the Holy Spirit. 

If we believe in Jesus, the next step would be to ask God for the Holy Spirit, this was also said by Jesus. God will never refuse to give anyone the Holy Spirit, since it's His will for all of us to have a relationship with Him.

In order to build self-esteem from the inside out, you must seek that relationship with the Holy Spirit. It's absolutely free, you just have to have faith. Faith is the assurance of what is not seen, so if you can see it you don't need faith. The Bible says, we need faith to please God.

He will renew your spirit and make you a new creation. He will help you little by little transform into the image of God and that will help you improve your self-esteem and self-confidence like no other thing could. The Bible also says He will perfect the work He started in you, our part is simply to allow Him to do it.

I suffered from low self-esteem most of my life. I practiced martial arts to help me boost up my self-confidence, and it helped me, a little. I joined the Marine Corps and that also helped me improve my self-image, a little. 

But nothing compares to how my self-esteem improved after giving my life to God and getting in touch with the Holy Spirit through my spirit and my faith in Jesus Christ. I just wish every person can experience the joy that I have experienced. 

In order to help build your self-esteem, there is no better answer than to begin a relationship with your Creator, through the belief of His Son Jesus and the relationship with His Holy Spirit.

Love God, Love Others, Love Yourself.

Build Self-Esteem Through Knowing God

To help improve self-esteem or self-confidence there are three areas in which you must work on. They are the soul, the body and the spirit. 

A human being is composed of these three areas and if they are all well taken care of you will help build your self-esteem and live a fulfilling life.

Our advice for building self-esteem are based on the teachings of the Bible and the simple principle:

Love God, Love Yourself, Love Others.